Limited Spaces and Only for Highly Motivated Women Leaders

The beauty, light and energy of Tuscany, Italy have been a source of inspiration and creativity since before recorded history, and that hasn’t changed in the 21st century. Artists, writers and innovators flock to central Italy each year to tap into the same well of creativity that influenced the Etruscans, the Romans and the leaders of the great Renaissance.

That’s why I chose to host the Italy Retreat for Women Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs in Tuscany. Sure, it’s gorgeous! I mean, what’s not to love about sweeping, panoramic views, medieval hill towns and endless fields of red poppies? The setting is spectacular, but it’s what’s happening beyond the obvious that creates the magic.

Having lived on the border of Tuscany and Umbria (Tuscany’s “gentler” sister) for 8 years, I’ve come to know the area, the sites and the people quite well. I’ve also experienced the energy – the “magic” – of Tuscany again and again, and I’ve seen the positive, healing, inspirational effect this amazing region has on others.

That’s why the Italy Retreat for Women Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs incorporates the Six Pillars of Leadership in the 21st Century into the daily itinerary. Presence, Perspective, Creativity, Mindset & Strategy, Relationships and Service are an integral part of your experience on the retreat. These pillars act as a “lens” through which you will take in the sights and experiences each day, and provide a “mental map” to tap into the well of energy and creativity of central Italy – just as the great creators and innovators throughout history have.

Of course, that’s just the beginning. Spending this time in Tuscany, surrounded by like-minded, heart-centered women who are stepping up to fully realize their ability to lead and inspire others in a bigger way, is a rare opportunity. Oh sure, there are plenty of conferences, seminars and learning retreats for women, but this is quite different. The daily experiences and excursions in hill towns, historic sites and local villages and vineyards, combined with daily workshops and masterminding sessions is nothing short of extraordinary.

This event is not for everyone. It’s designed for women who are ready to strengthen their confidence, hone their skills & strategies and to lead and inspire their audience, clients, customers and/or students in a big, enthusiastic way. It’s for those women who want to be a part of a movement that will change the world.

To get more information and to join us on the Italy Retreat for Women Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs, click on the yellow button below.

Change Your Brain, Change Your Marketing

Have you read some of the current research about our brains, and our ability to shape our own success? It’s mind-blowing! (pun intended)

Essentially, all of us entrepreneurs have the ability to change (and strengthen) our brains in big ways, and actually feel more happy and fulfilled about all aspects of our business – including our marketing – on a consistent basis. Unfortunately, marketing is the one area that most entrepreneurs associate with pain. If that’s you, then you must tap into today’s brain research that proves that this absolutely does not have to be your reality.

I mean, what if you were able to change your brain and change your marketing? Not just the marketing itself, but the way you feel about marketing? Well, here are 3 research-backed ways that you can do exactly that:

  1. Sprinkle your marketing plan with novelty. Novelty stimulates the brain, and makes us feel more “revved up”. What new thing could you add to your ezine? What new strategy could you share with your audience? New and novel are in! Boring and routine are out. Treat yourself and your clients (and potential clients) to novelty!
  2. Challenge makes us feel more vibrant. Don’t just challenge your audience with new ideas, concepts and strategies, challenge yourself, as well. Learning, experimenting and investigating are all avenues for challenge that you can bring into your marketing. So go forth and tackle those new skills (the ones you know you should be mastering) with gusto!
  3. Use your marketing to build connections. You’ve heard that one before – many times – but its importance related to brain health, happiness and fulfillment is astounding! The more quality relationships you form with your family, friends and audience, and the more you share and connect with them, the happier you’ll feel.

Combine those three power tools – novelty, challenge  and connections – on a consistent basis in your marketing communications and strategy, and you’ll soon be feeling the joy (yes, the JOY) of marketing in ways you can’t even image! Don’t take my word for it, check out what the brain experts have to say. Here are two of my favorite “readable” books on this topic:

  • Change Your Brain, Change Your Life by Daniel G. Amen
  • Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this post – be sure to share your comments below, and feel free to share this post (and video) with your friends!

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How Teacups and Hula Hoops can Skyrocket Your Marketing

Would you like a very simple exercise that will help you create an upward momentum spiral in your marketing? You can use this same strategy with teacups and hula hoops too.

You see, gathering momentum in your marketing is what keeps you moving forward, creating greater and greater results. But most people don’t stick with a marketing strategy long enough to create momentum (because it’s so hard!), and most of those who gather momentum, don’t structure an “upward momentum spiral”.

The mistake that most entrepreneurs make is that as their newsletter gets more sign ups, or their videos get more views, or they go to more networking events – they create an outward momentum spiral, rather than an upward momentum spiral.

An upward momentum spiral is what lifts your marketing to new heights and helps you attract more ideal clients. Most importantly, though, the “lift” you create in your marketing is what allows others to view you not as a marketer, but as an inspiration. Wow. That’s a whole other level!

So here’s a simple exercise that can help you INSTANTLY create your own upward movement spiral:

  1. List the elements of your marketing plan – those strategies that you use to let the world know about you and your work.
  2. (here comes the magic) List how you can improve upon each element. How could you improve the look or the message of your newsletter? How could you improve the quality of your videos? How could you improve your 30 second elevator pitch so that prospects better understand how you can help them?

The more you work on improving the individual pieces of your overall marketing plan, the more you gather momentum in your upward momentum spiral, which draws more attention, attracts more of your ideal clients, and ultimately underlines you as a leader – and an inspiration – in your niche.

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About the Italy Retreat!

I’ve been receiving many questions about the Italy Retreat for Women Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs, so I shot this quick video for you to answer the most frequently asked questions. For more details – including how to enroll – go to:

2 Big Mistakes to Avoid Making with Your Videos, Newsletters or Blog

Actually, the title of this video tip should really be ” 2 big mistakes to avoid making in your videos, blog, newsletter or any other modality you use to communicate with your target market”! The truth is that the vast majority of people make these 2 mistakes all the time!

Mistake Number 1: No Schedule

Ever sign up for a free newsletter – get one or two installments – then stop receiving it for several weeks? When the newsletter finally appears again, you suddenly receive several installments in one week – all promoting the sender’s new product, program or service. Ugh! That’s a terrible practice!

Too many people create a video, write a blog post or send a newsletter only when they can “fit it in”, when they feel like it or when they’re promoting something, and that means sporadic communication with their audience. That’s a huge mistake! Setting up a schedule for your communication “vehicle”  – i.e. video, blog, newsletter, podcast, etc. – is essential to building trust and rapport with your audience.

Mistake Number 2: No Structure

Too many people make the mistake of not considering the structure of the content that they share with their audience. Without a clear “framework” your content can be confusing.

Are you sharing tips, stories, interviews or step-by-step strategies? What newsletter layout makes the best sense for your content? What length video clips work best for you? What day of the week are you sending out your communications?

Creating a consistent structure for your communications provides familiarity for your audience – and that means (once again) that you’re building trust and rapport. Besides trust and rapport, there’s another important reason for setting a schedule and developing a structure for your communications – it makes things easier for you!

When you have a communication schedule and a consistent structure, you’re not wasting your brain power pondering the “when” and the “how”. The more your audience – your potential customers – can relate to you and rely on you, the more likely they will become your clients – and your raving fans!

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Online Video Marketing in 3 Easy Steps

One of the best ways for you to expand your presence online is by using video. Period.

Plus, video is not going away! In fact, statistics show that video is continuing to grow – extremely fast – as an online search tool. That reason alone should have you grabbing your video camera and getting started. The truth is that if you don’t, you’ll soon be left behind by those who are using video in their online marketing.

Here’s the thing … If you think that it’s too technical or too complicated, that’s just not true today. Creating, editing and uploading video has NEVER been easier than right now!

Here are the 3 EASY video marketing steps that I teach my students in my course called the 3 Step Video Marketing Blueprint.

  1. The Stuff: You need a video camera and a computer. That’s it. And I’m pretty sure you have both already. If you have a relatively new smart phone, such as an iPhone, Blackberry or Android, your phone has the capability to shoot high quality video! From there it’s just a matter of loading the video to onto your computer (search online to find out how), then uploading your video to Youtube. Done.
  2. Your Video Style: Practice making videos. Then practice some more. As you do, you’ll begin to develop your own video “style”. Maybe it’s direct to camera, maybe you like adding lots of graphics or maybe you prefer to be at your computer, turning slideshows into videos. Just practice, practice, practice!
  3. Your Video Strategy: Most people mess up on this step. They put a couple of videos up on a Youtube channel and then sit back and wait for people to watch them. (They’re often crushed when no one does!) You MUST employ strategy when using video marketing. What’s the purpose of your video? What do you want viewers to do as a result of watching? What action to you want them to take? The more you employ strategy, the greater your results will be.

So there you have it … those are the 3 steps I use in my own video marketing CONSISTENTLY! Get comfy with your equipment and software, develop your video style and get out there with a consistent, effective video strategy!

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